Who We Are
The Second Ranger Battalion Assistance Foundation, an IRS qualified 501(c)3 Delaware not for profit corporation, is committed to meeting the needs of the 2d Battalion Rangers (also known as “2/75”) and their family members. Its Board, composed of civilians, will operate the Foundation as fiduciaries, independent of the military, faithfully ensuring that the Foundation's monies are used for the benefit of the Rangers and their families.

Why we exist
Army resources to care for these elite soldiers and their families from whom so much is demanded, is not enough. More must be done to care for and support them, not only when a Ranger is a casualty of war, but also during the times they deploy and their families must struggle to carry on back home. 2/75 Rangers must know without qualification that their families will have available to them immediate resources outside the confines of the Army, both monetary and otherwise, in the event of special needs and emergency circumstances. Of the three battalions, the 2d is the only Battalion with no outside source of sustained monetary support of this kind.